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Chiropractic is a holistic method of health care focusing on the spine's motion and consequently the nervous system's health and functionality. At Incline Chiropractic and Natural Health Center, we use hands-on techniques to adjust the spine and extremities, as well as soft tissue techniques, both manual and instrument assisted, to allow optimal connectivity between brain and body as well as peak performance for life’s activities.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a holistic method of health care focusing on the motion of the spine, and consequently the health and functionality of the nervous system. At Incline Chiropractic and Natural Health Center, we use hands-on techniques to adjust the spine and extremities, as well as soft tissue techniques, both manual and instrument assisted, to allow optimal connectivity between brain and body as well as peak performance for life’s activities. 

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy with the chatanooga machine unloads the pressure from the joints and discs in the spine in order to help with pain, entrapped nerves, and the preservation of the soft tissues of our spinal column.

Postural Correction

At this office we work to restore abnormal postures to as near normal as possible. We know better posture equals better health and utilize clinical biomechanics of posture (C.B.P.) to better achieve the patient's goals in care. Click here to see extensive CBP research. 

Pediatric Care

Dr. Amy Vevoda has over 19 years of experience working with moms, babies, and toddlers. The nervous system controls every aspect of your child's developing bodies. We are specialized in finding subluxations that impede nervous system functioning and remove them before they become their adult problems. 



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